Monday 24 March 2008

Its A Funny Old Game...Violence that is.

Why are we violent? What drives us to excericse physical agression against our fellow man/woman/probation officer?...of course the last is a joke, but seriously what is it that causes us to lash out?

Voilence you could argue is a necessary evil in its most basic form, I mean how many wars would have been won without violence...or even more closer to home, how many wars wouldn't have begun without violence?

Admittedly, not the most academic and painstakingly researched site, I did stumble across a site which in its very basic form explains what may trigger potential violence in adolesence and adulthood.

I have problems with the findings on this site. It claims the glorification of violent heroes may increase the violence in later life if exposed to children. Growing up idolising Mr Shwarzaneggar and believing Rambo really could kill a jungle of 'baddies', i fail to believe in this theory too far. After all my urges to commit genocide are very slim. What I did find to have at least a margin of truth to it was that a large portion of the potential to violence is stemmed in the childhood of a lot of people. Those with families accustomed to domestic abuse usually find there temperment altered accrdingly so later on in life. I claim to have neither a pyschology dregree nor a social workers patience in discovering the root of such problems, however I find this logic resonates with me.

Allow me to be deemed controversial, conservative or even further old fashioned now but I believe discipline is a central element in shaping a childs social and personal make-up. Clear defintions between right and wrong, reward and punishment I feel are essential in teaching chldrens about morality. Am I wrong in thinking so, I argue no.

It is within our nature as humans to feel intrigue about violence. If a fight ensues we watch, in the paper the tragic and murderous headlines capture out interest the most. Media sensationalism can only be to blame so far, once we admit violence is an integral part of our society even if personally frowned upon we can only begin to understand how to prevent it.

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