Wednesday 19 March 2008

A guide to Cheating on your spouse

Shocked, Shocked, Shocked and appalled with what I found on one site I quite simply had to read on..

You see this book was called 'How To Have An Affair And Never Get Caught!' What a novel idea I thought as I imagined a dutiful husband or wife stumbling upon the book amidst the book case in their home. I will try not and impose too much of my own views on infidelity in this post however as sleazy and deceptive an act is it, can there be something to be said about it? Is it a spontanoeus venture? Or is it a meticulosuly crafted and cunning plan in duping your lover at home with the ironing and cooking? It does make me question is there a certain seduction in beign seduced far more than the seducer her/himself? Thats enough rhetorical questions thrown at you for one post.

In regards to the very directly titled book, I think it does little more than encourage and condone infidelity and promote sexual promiscuity. I mean really, if you are going to cheat you will, Idoubt many consult a book before so. I mean it would take the fun out of it all wouldnt it.

I try to reject as many theories about infidelity as I can. For instance, its a mans primal urge to 'spread his seed' poor excuse. Or a woman can claim empowerment through infidelity and is an oppurtunity for maturity growth. Nonsense. Although, this book did get me inspired, not so much to cheat or consider the option of one day cheating but to compose a short guide to cheating myself.

For the Male

- Hs the 'finished late at work' excuse become tiresome and harder to maintain? Yes I thought so, instead tell her you have work early and make much needed use of that morning glory you greet every day at breakfast!

- Introduce your extra marital plaything as a newly discovered long lost cousin. Nobody will expect you to be cheating on the 'ball and chain' with your cousin, I should hope not anyway.

For The Female

- Allow your boyfriend to have a boys night in.Encourage him to host a poker night, farting and drinking all night with his buddies. This allows you to have your very own boys night in. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink

- Tell him you have started a new arts and crafts course and eagerly invite him along. Obviously the prospect of learning to sew is not high on your mans list of priorities so when he rejects the offer, this gives you a free night a week to be at your 'arts and crafts class'.

Of course I'm jokinh. A satirical jive at the idea a book like 'How to have an affair and never get caught' exists. In my humble opinion, the fact the book exists is far more worse than cheating itself.

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