Thursday 1 May 2008

The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth!

In this post I will swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

With that cliche let me start by saying it is a lie that honesty is always the best policy. If I am to break up with a girl, would she rather hear its becauses shes boring in bed or because I feel that im at a point in life where I don't want a girlfriend? Im not saying I would split up with a girlfriend because of lacking ability in the bedroom department but I think it helps illustrate my point.

Deciet is an interesting sin, because everybody does it and I suspect at least once a day. We lie to others about how were feeling, we lie to ourselves about our percieved character. (In-depth alert)..Our general existence as thinking and feeling human beings is made up of a series of slight fabrications. It states on that..

"Deceit helps promote various belief systems with the public"

Politicians careers are determined arguably by there ability to lie, and those elected for power can be said come down to who is the better liar. I will make it clear I am not typecasting politicians, nor moaning about there unfulfilled promised to the land. I respect there profression and understand we would live in a lesser quality of life without there care. However we all know taxes wont be dropping anytime soon as much as we know immigration won't be tackled in the forseeable future.

Children get told off for telling 'porky pies', but I argue embrace a childs ability to lie, it might make them prime minister one day. Of course Im joking and lying, but if we promote the idea that sometimes lying is a neccesary course of action and is important to sosciety and can be done with honour and nobility then it needn't not be regarded a sin.

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