Sunday 4 May 2008

Getting Pissed!

We all do it, at least every now and then. Have a few too many, wet our whistles or in my case just get plain drunk. In fact I write this very column feeling the inevitable aftermath of a heavy night out. The typical symptons, headache, lack of apetite and the world famous line, " I'm never going to drink again!"

What drives me to write a post about drink is not the arguments for and against nor will I preach wrongly about the effects. What I do argue is there is a time, a place and most vitally a reason for going out/staying in and getting drunk. When these factors become unimportant thats when there is a problem. In its nature I argue alcohol and its consumption are not evil or bad, people wont burn in hell for sipping vodka however when that person steps into a car at the end of an evening and kills a family questions need to be raised.

A fascinating article by the telegraph I read online deatils the arrest of a Judge, I repeat Judge who was apprehended by the police for being in a state of intoxication. The article claims he called the two policemen 'arseholes' and stunk of drink. To some this may sound like the usual friday night out on the town after a bag of greasy chips but when your profession is honored and revered in evaluating the outcome of those persecuted, to not abide by the laws you advocate seems a little hypocritical. Maybe were being too harsh, after all he is human before he is Judge and lets face it, it's a stressful job. Either way it was ultimately the drink that forced this agression, but does this make drink bad? I stand proud and say no, and as far fetched a comparison it may appear but I propose this a man with a gun is not neccessarily bad, a man with a gun with the intention to assault is wrong.

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