Wednesday 19 March 2008

The D Word...'Drugs' shhh

“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?”

Not my words!! These are the words of a famous subversive comedian Bill Hicks. Controversial line huh? Sort of makes sense though though doesnt it!

Personally, yes I do think the world would be a better place without drugs, however that is a given. Drugs are a problem, and always will be in the forseeable future. The distribution of drugs is difficult and complex to trace. The consumption of drugs is widespread and takes the lives of many...and many around them. Again, obvious? So why is there such a moral debate about narcotics, surely everyone knows there bad news. Well not everybody

clergy members arguing FOR the legalisation of cannabis? I think its offical hell has frozen over. Or maybe not, as Reverand Greg Chute states

""I'm not sure if making it against the law has any impact on its misuse," Chute said. "In many ways, it drives it underground, which makes it more of a problem."

I think this is a fair comment, i mean drugs are highly synonmous with rebellion so is the legalisaiton of at least cannabis a step towards making it so less desirable to impressionable young adults? Obviously this prompts the question concerning by making it open and accessible to all, does it encourage the consumption of it?

Of course though alternately, if taxed by the government at a high price funding the state rather than a drug dealer does this make it more acceptable? You could argue the average pothead may be a regular hero to the tax world, I wonder how many new hopsitals, prisons and schools could be possibly built for the sake of someone enjoying a 'toke'?

1 comment:

Paul said...

I'm loving the church angle - certainly original :)

The only thing I would say is that in generalising 'bout drugs you might run a certain risk. It could be said that taking heroin has less in common with taking cannabis than boozing has - and I know you like a bevvy (like I don't... lalala). That obviously isn't a fact, but I think the legality of one substance over another doesn't necessarily comment on the suitability of it (which isn't what you're saying - I might stop rambling now I reckon, sorry man).

To be honest, I think the worst indictment of drugs is what my best friend said after taking a little bit of weed,

"Weed is just like really spicy crisps. It's not even a real drug".

What? Gotta love the brain power :)